Monday, April 11, 2011

Way of the Child

Soul Collage calls the artist to let her artwork speak for her soul. By finishing the statement, "I am one who. . . " the artwork becomes a journey into surprising personal revelations. For me, the surprise of this altered board book was the appearance of a rabbit on every page. Animal spirit guides can be meaningful along the journey as well. "Little Sister Rabbit teaches us through its timidity, to be gentle with ourselves and others at all times. . . .has excellent observation skills and sensitive reflexes to help it survive in a sometimes dangerous environment. . .can disappear in an instant. . .always knows which direction to go. . .reminds us to examine our own fears to determine if they are hindering our progress. The times rabbits are most often seen are during early dawn or at evening dusk, when the visible becomes invisible and the invisible becomes visible. . . reminding us that things are not always as they appear. . .to take time to discern reality from fantasy."

Saturday, April 2, 2011


I am one who suffers. I am one who is learning that sometimes I cannot stop the pain. I am one who is learning ways to stop the suffering. (One person said this card is disturbing. It is one that I have come back to time and time again. To find ways to name what it is that holds me in a bind, that which I hold on to so tightly.)